Saturday, 26 April 2008


Lock 80 of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal at Wigan. The canal climbs 23 locks at Wigan, making a tiring day for boaters. The area on the right was known as Bambers Quay. It would be interesting to hear if anyone knows the function of the new tower by the next lock. One passer-by thought it might be concealing a phone mast, but they don't usually go to that much trouble!
See Google Aerial View of this location.

1 comment:

  1. I would have thought that it was a bit low down to be a phone mast thingy.
    They normally seem to go for the highest available point in the area.
    However I have a spy out who says they will make enquiries as they pass and report back on their return passage to in due course.

    Pete Stockdale


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